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  1. The Web Server instructs the Acceptor to initiate an asynchronous accept;

  2. The Acceptor initiates an asynchronous accept with the OS and passes itself as a Completion Handler and a reference to the Completion Dispatcher that will be used to notify the Acceptor upon completion of the asynchronous accept;

  3. The Web Server invokes the event loop of the Completion Dispatcher;

  4. The client connects to the Web Server;

  5. When the asynchronous accept operation completes, the Operating System notifies the Completion Dispatcher;

  6. The Completion Dispatcher notifies the Acceptor;

  7. The Acceptor creates an HTTP Handler;

  8. The HTTP Handler initiates an asynchronous operation to read the request data from the client and passes itself as a Completion Handler and a reference to the Completion Dispatcher that will be used to notify the HTTP Handler upon completion of the asynchronous read.


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  1. The client sends an HTTP GET request;

  2. The read operation completes and the Operating System notifies the Completion Dispatcher;

  3. The Completion Dispatcher notifies the HTTP Handler (steps 2 and 3 will repeat until the entire request has been received);

  4. The HTTP Handler parses the request;

  5. The HTTP Handler synchronously reads the requested file;

  6. The HTTP Handler initiates an asynchronous operation to write the file data to the client connection and passes itself as a Completion Handler and a reference to the Completion Dispatcher that will be used to notify the HTTP Handler upon completion of the asynchronous write;

  7. When the write operation completes, the Operating System notifies the Completion Dispatcher;

  8. The Completion Dispatcher then notifies the Completion Handler (steps 6-8 continue until the file has been delivered completely).