Crate embassy_time

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Timekeeping, delays and timeouts.


Timekeeping is done with elapsed time since system boot. Time is represented in ticks, where the tick rate is defined by the current driver, usually to match the tick rate of the hardware.

持续时间指从系统启动开始至今经过的时间,通常用刻度(ticks)来表示持续时间,刻度=频率 * 时间。频率由当前驱动决定,通常跟硬件频率一致。

Tick counts are 64 bits. At the highest supported tick rate of 1Mhz this supports representing time spans of up to ~584558 years, which is big enough for all practical purposes and allows not having to worry about overflows.


Instant represents a given instant of time (relative to system boot), and Duration represents the duration of a span of time. They implement the math operations you’d expect, like addition and substraction.


Delays and timeouts


Timer allows performing async delays. Ticker allows periodic delays without drifting over time.


An implementation of the embedded-hal delay traits is provided by Delay, for compatibility with libraries from the ecosystem.


Wall-clock time


The time module deals exclusively with a monotonically increasing tick count. Therefore it has no direct support for wall-clock time (“real life” datetimes like 2021-08-24 13:33:21).

time模块仅处理单调递增的刻度计数,因此它对真实的时钟时间不提供直接的支持,比如日期时间2021-08-24 13:33:21

If persistence across reboots is not needed, support can be built on top of embassy_time by storing the offset between “seconds elapsed since boot” and “seconds since unix epoch”.


Time driver

The time module is backed by a global “time driver” specified at build time. Only one driver can be active in a program.


All methods and structs transparently call into the active driver. This makes it possible for libraries to use embassy_time in a driver-agnostic way without requiring generic parameters.


For more details, check the driver module.

更多详细信息,请查看 driver 模块。


  • Time driver interface
  • Timer queue implementation



  • Type implementing async delays and blocking embedded-hal delays.
  • Represents the difference between two Instants
  • An Instant in time, based on the MCU’s clock ticks since startup.
  • Asynchronous stream that yields every Duration, indefinitely.
  • Error returned by with_timeout on timeout.
  • A future that completes at a specified Instant.

